New Moon November 30 (pst) December 1, 2024 (est) | 9 Sagittarius 33’
Let me be an instrument. Let me see if I might sweeten your milk or smooth your way. Let me open a door for you. Let me suspend prejudice against you. I give you grace, forbearance, and the benefit of the doubt.
The New Moon squaring Saturn asks us to take responsibility for our own culpability. Not necessarily easy, but worth it. Besides, we are only talking about you and your own conscience. On my brother’s recent birthday, my journal entry was a message to myself to be less judgmental of him. “Walk a mile in his shoes,” comes up. Pisces being the feet and Sagittarius being distance. Oh Lord. He’s a Sagittarius and I’m a Pisces. I suppose we have some classic karma to work out, however, working it out is not personal, but for the benefit of our own souls.
I begin again with others because I need to get out of my own way. I may blame others, and see it as certain that I am right and thereby deflect my part. I give myself grace and forgiveness for my shortcomings. There is no such thing as perfect when it comes to being human. We are never finished. We always have more to learn and give. As long as we are animate, we are refining and adjusting.
Mercury is retrograde in Sagittarius until December 14th. Reflect on your socio-political leanings and principles. Don’t rush to self-defense or justification. It is easier to see the truth about the self if no self-condemnation comes with it. What if it was my job to find a way? Would I be up for it? Would I even try? Mercury, personal mind and Jupiter, social mind, are in each other’s signs. Both are retrograde. What if we could put our opinions and ambitions on hold? Would some guidance come out of the silence?
Usually, astrologers associate perfectionist tendencies with Virgo. However, Virgo’s opposite sign, Pisces, seeks perfection on subtle planes and can easily find perfection wanting. Not good enough might be your heartsick mantra. You might really be saying, “I am not as good as they are (or they are not as good as me)” Astrologer Isabel Hickey counsels, “An inferiority complex is a superiority complex, turned in on itself.” And vice-versa.
Feel good about yourself. No one outside can give you lasting self-esteem. But you can give praise to others. Such praise is powerfully effective when you do it in secret with your good thoughts and best wishes. Put negative comparison emotions such as jealousy aside. Like covetousness and envy, jealousy can might be the cover for suspicion, wariness or distrust.
When my mother witnessed incivility between her children, or towards her from her children, she would say “Charity begins at home, then spreads abroad.” This is perfect to express the Sun and Moon squaring Saturn, and opposite Jupiter in this new Moon chart.
At home is within you. Feel good about yourself and you will find that you are naturally more gracious to those around you, which then makes it easier to love others who are not necessarily your neighbors, your friends or your political allies.