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Writer's pictureInez Singletary

Love Conquers All

Woman Looking in a Mirror (Faith Ringgold)

Full Moon Lunar Eclipse | September 17, 2024 | 25 Pisces 41’


Do I put stock in what the people say or in my own perceptions? I have written about love and Trump, however,  he is abhorrent, even to me. I don’t want to irritate my readers or look foolish to them, but based strictly on the eclipse chart, with Self represented by the Sun at 25 degrees of Virgo in a grand trine with the higher octaves of Uranus and Pluto, I feel the need to rise above the ego who wants to play it safe.


I watched the recent debate with my brother, and 30-40 minutes in, I had to leave the room. It was torture to sit there and listen to Trump. First, I went to my room and put a pillow over my exposed ear because the volume was loud. I could still hear their voices, although not their words. But that was not good enough. I was electrified—fermenting and bubbling. Fermentation is a process of chemical change in food or drink because of the action of yeast or bacteria, which may cause it to produce bubbles or heat, or turn sugars in it into alcohol.

(Uranus), Sun in Virgo trine Uranus in Taurus in the 9th of politics)


Fermentation is the name given to the 10th alchemical stage related to Capricorn, and Pluto is in Capricorn. I have noticed that planets in Capricorn, especially the Moon, have often produced in me the sense of agitation which is vibration or movement. It seems to correspond to cardinal or active earth, attributed to Capricorn. Mars, the Exciting Intelligence, is exalted or sublimed in Capricorn.


I had not yet had dinner. Observing myself agitated, irritable and angry, I knew that if I wanted to have decent digestion, I had better not have dinner until I settled down This is important because Virgo is the sign of health and relates specifically to digestion.


What had me so irritated was the boldface lying that Trump does, and the idiocy of his lies, Haitian immigrants eating pets and abortions being carried out at 9 months! I am irritated that he could even be running for President, being so obviously a sociopath. I am irritated that we are supposed to take his candidacy seriously and listen to his discourse.


What I finally did was go for a walk. Let’s call this the Moon in Pisces, since Pisces rules the feet. It was a pleasantly warm evening, I would be out of hearing range, and I would be “walking it off.” By the time I returned home, the debate was finished, and I was calm.


Despite my own agitation, this is what I saw when looking at the Full Moon, Lunar Eclipse chart.


When considering the sign Virgo from the rising position, note that the third house of communication is ruled by the sign Scorpio and the ninth house of politics is ruled by Taurus. This suggests that Virgo, although a mutable sign, is fixed emotionallyvin its thinking, making it firm and inflexible in its opinion. With the Sun in Virgo, we can be intense and emotional thinkers, either strong or stuck in our opinions. The Sun and Moon both square Jupiter in Gemini. Jupiter in Gemini signifies talking politics.


Sun and Moon are conscious and unconscious minds—what is illuminated and what is reflected.


At the Full Moon, the Moon is a mirror. If you experience the unexpected, it may reflect your blind side.

I believe that painful though it may be to hear, Trump is a manifestation of something in us as a collective that misses the mark. When we get it right, he will no longer be a threat. That Trump remains a thorn in our side is universal order.

The Moon is the Uniting Intelligence. This Intelligence connects us to both the good and bad that we need for our development. Some of us think of Trump as evil, a Devil who vexes us, but the Devil represents our misunderstanding, the blind side, the deaf ear.


Someone tells me that loving Trump is where they draw the line, but what about the power of love? What about, all you need is love? What about love conquers all? What have you seen reformed by hate?


Love for the perceived enemy does not mean you have to take them in your arms and rub their heads or do anything that encourages the behavior you detest. You do not have to be tender toward them. If I were doing a tapping exercise* because of being dangerously angry at Trump, meaning my chemistry is boiling, I would say something like, “even though Trump vexes me and makes me feel unsafe and unhealthy, I deeply and completely love and accept myself.” You may not be able to love the enemy. Love yourself. “Being hated, don’t give way to hating.” – Rudyard Kipling




Be alert to the critic’s voice that tears you down and tears down and blames others. Find something good to say (and mean it). Look for the good in all. Remind yourself that you must allow yourself to be an instrument of good, even though your ego finds aliveness in hating.

______________________________________ *Emotional Freedom Technique

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