New Moon | June 13, 2018 | 22 Gemini 48’
“The ego can’t reflect upon itself unless it has a mirror against which to read itself. That mirror would be the mythological schedule that lets it know where it is. It is a mirror with a schedule on it. It is a patterned mirror.” – Joseph Campbell
Astrology helps us observe this “mirror with a schedule on it.” The Sun represents the ego and the Moon acts as a mirror that lets you know who you think you are and what chance you’ve got via your moods. We have the symbols of the mythological patterns of the gods and goddesses in the stories told by the planets and asteroids that unfold their drama upon the wheel. When we compare the planetary events with our own lives here on earth, we can get glimpses of the schedule and how congruent we are with it.
Using symbols to reflect upon your life, help ground you. This is particularly helpful in this time of the tower babbling. The speech with which we speak, think, and wish has been like a lake of fire. Speech rooted in fear becomes projectile-bombastic and one-way projected from self to outside of self.
When we see our uncomfortable or discordant lives mirrored in the planets, we get some hints of how to make the adjustments that lend themselves to life improvement as we cultivate our own reality. We can’t see in the mirror of the planets without owning what is mirrored in our life. The new moon is the schedule of mirroring that can be disowned, but not erased from experience nor negated from influence.
I have always viewed that the best use of astrology is to mirror what is happening that I might make better of it (rather than to predict). Knowledge is power. Self-knowledge is supreme power. Power is the gift you give yourself by recognizing it in your life as the Source and Ground of being. You got the power.
Gemini represents the mirrored mind. The human mind (or intellect) is dual. The mind is represented by the man and woman in The Lovers Tarot Key ascribed to Gemini. Gemini represents both conscious and subconscious mind. The first figure in the Lovers key is the archangel Raphael, above and between the two minds, whose name is, “God, the Healer.” Recently I read that it also means, “God Healed,” meaning that we are still in the garden under grace, having never entered a state of sin. We have only entered this earth world and fallen asleep. That is not the story that we operate under, so we are tranced by our personal disconnect that only we can reconnect.
This New Moon in the sign of mind is a good time to quiet the mind and listen to the water of feeling and intuition. If you have a decision to make, try allowing your feelings to weigh in. The overall feel of the chart is active water, the sign Cancer. There is also a planet or asteroid in each of the water signs, making a grand trine or ease of that which flows. Pallas-Athene, Wisdom, is in Cancer. There is wisdom in your gut. It connects to Jupiter, Wheel, in Scorpio. Expansion turns on desire that is not checked by the stagnation of old stories and reactions. Wisdom is also connected to Neptune, Sea of Love, in Pisces. Wisdom is in rushing water. Fortune is in still waters that run deep. Love is in the sea of tranquility and is the Universal Solvent that dissolves obstruction and solves problems.
Listen first. How do you feel? Don’t answer this in words. Let your feelings speak to you. Be ready with pencil and paper in case words come. Words that come from your silence will be tailored to you from the well of your heart which is The Heart, the Central Ego of the Tree of Life, The Sun.