New Moon | Solar Eclipse | April 30, 2022 | 10 Taurus 28’
We’re living in a spiritual world, and I’m a spiritual girl.
So says Uranus in Taurus, sign of material possessions conjunct the Sun and Moon.
Granted, Saturn in Aquarius square the Nodes in Taurus-Scorpio might be drumming material world, material girl, but it is only trying to get us to focus on rising above material conditioning.
Saturn conditioning says show me the money, then I’ll be okay. Uranus awakening says, money is not the accomplisher or the dictator of circumstances.
I have come to realize that I am better off financially now, then I have ever been not because of the money in my bank account, but because of the realization that my security depends on me being unconditional about money, feeling secure no matter what transitional phase I might be in.
This Solar Eclipse counsels that our interest in the material world is to overcome it and have dominion over it and so the material world ruler, Saturn, is in the sign of non-material Aquarius conjunct Vesta in Aquarius. The material world is the conditional world where I think stuff makes me happy. The New Moon in Taurus is associated with financial matters, but with the conjunction to Uranus, we might free ourselves of limitations regarding the role or function of money. I might think that if I had an extra couple thousand dollars, I would be happy right now and I would breathe in an easy and relaxed manner, and if I don’t have that solid and material thing, I must breathe shallow, and ragged and rapid.
Neptune, Jupiter, and Venus are all in the sign Pisces and occupy Taurus’ 11th house and have a frictional relationship to Sun, Moon, and Uranus. I call the 11th the impossible dream house.
In her memoir Finding Me, Viola Davis recounts the story of choosing education as her major for graduate school even though she attended Julliard. Her sister asked why she wasn’t majoring in theater, since that is what she loved. Viola’s answer was she could not make a living acting.
However, Viola became deeply depressed until she decided to pursue the “impossible dream” of acting. You’ve seen her act. Is she not ferocious? Is she not clearly passionate? Is she not good at this thing she loves? She has an Oscar, a Tony, and an Emmy. And she has money.
I often suggest that people pursue what they love because the universe gets excited over your passions and yawns and doesn’t do much when you try to do the thing that you think is going to give you the safe life.
The Sun, Moon, and Uranus all sextile Mars in Pisces. This suggests that we “dream the impossible dream.” Sun and Moon conjunct Uranus suggests that we value, not just the dollar, but that which awakens and quickens us.
“When you are inspired by some great purpose, some extraordinary project, all your thoughts break their bonds; your mind transcends limitations; your consciousness expands in every direction; and you find yourself in a great, new and wonderful world.” – Patanjali.
“Whatever you do, or dream you can do, begin it. Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it.” – Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe
Use this time of Venus, pregnant with love and money, between Jupiter, expansion and Neptune, enchantment, to imagine/image yourself in an abundant state. If you think you can’t do this, imagine yourself poor, but only for a few seconds. Switch to rich. Poor might be easier because it has more the charge of weight and habit.
Imagine that you can have whatever would make your life feel rich, be it money or a condition. See it as happening now. You are not trying to make it happen. You are just making a picture. If you can’t see – vision problem.
I imagine I can fly east a couple of times a year to see family and friends. I have lots of money to spend freely. My bills are paid. I have a nice wardrobe of pieces I feel good in. I only have a few pieces because I like to travel light, but they mix and match and flatter my body and help me look and feel great.