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Transcend the World

Writer's picture: Inez SingletaryInez Singletary
After the Storm by Carol Foy

New Moon | November 1, 2024 | 9 Scorpio 35’


When we talk about abundance, we mean a lot. Usually, we don’t mean a lot of friends or fresh air or trees or light. Usually, we mean a lot, or even "enough" money (which many have been taught to see as “the root of all evil.”)  Wisdom counsels that it is “the love of money is the root of all evil.” Not money itself, but one’s attitude about it.


Recently, I have been reflecting on an overwhelming feeling that I might be cheated, deceived, tricked, conned, or scammed out of my money. This fear is unconscious and I don’t really notice that I’m moving , living and subjecting my being to this assault.  This fear is like a low-grade fever* and I don’t notice my  compromised mental field.


I have been more afraid of losing what money I have, than afraid that I can’t attract enough—though that fear is there too.


I recall the parable of the talents where the traveler gives three different sums of money to three servants. The one given five talents (coins) turns it into 10, the one given two, turns his into four, and the servant given one, buries the talent lest he loses it. When the lord returns the one given five and the one given two, had each doubled what they had been given, and they were rewarded. But to the one who buried his, had it taken away and given to the one who had ten, “but from him that hath not shall be taken away even that which he hath.”—Matthew 20:29


As I copy this, just now, I notice the phrase, “shall be taken away.” Is my fear of skullduggery, really rooted in the fear that my “lord,” who it appears gave me less than he gave the others to begin with, would retract my little in disgust?


And what is my “little”? Is it the feeling of disfavor that comes from thinking I have been given less? Is it the feeling of an unfair, unjust world, where the “lord” has the power. “The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away,” right?


In the new Moon chart, Uranus in Taurus is opposite Mercury in Scorpio. This aspect could reflect a fear of the unexpected. Uranus in Taurus might suggest that compromised self- esteem could make you leery. Remember that Taurus is the ruler of money or talents and talent. Talent is also aptitude, gift and faculty and so is represented by the second house. Hence the way you feel about yourself can be reflected in how you approach resources, including income, possessions, and assets.


I am calling this treatise, “Transcend the World, because the timing of Mars in the 29th degree of Cancer opposite Pluto in the 29th degree of Capricorn, in the sign that has to do with the “world,” our perception of the way it is and limits that we can’t get over or around.


Transcending the world with Mars in Cancer seems to pit the vulnerable individual against the mean cruel world where people in power are ruthless and callous. We must see ourselves beyond those clutches.


That which is thought of as the power that others possess over us is the power that we relinquish by not seeing ourselves in the driver’s seat.




Examine your fears. Get up close and personal, so that you can see how you fashion your own roadblocks and impediments. Notice all thoughts that are destructive and fearful and disavow them. Do not be part of any thoughts or conversations that suggests this is a mean world out to get you with more power than you possess. For my own affirmation, I want to conduct financial matters by saying, “In God I trust.” You can make it non-ecclesiastical by saying, “I trust in the world. I trust the universe. I trust myself.

_____________________ *Fever is a Mars word. In this context, it could mean buried power or anger regarding a perceived lack of power.

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